Monday, August 10, 2009

Screams in the Night

Lately we have had nightly screaming episodes again. It seems that something is bothering Jack. He is totally tense and screaming, his eyes are spacey and he is really aggressive. I have not a clue what could be causing this sudden change in behavior/sleep. Poor guy. He may be hungry, he may be having a hard time internally, maybe it's acid reflux again, nightmares, who knows!?

We need to figure something out soon. I have been in denial and we have been putting Jack's FPIES on the back-burner. He needs to get patch testing, we need to figure out why he still weighs 32lbs and we need to ask someone why he is screaming thru the night like a gassy newborn.

Maybe he has grown out of FPIES. Maybe he is having acid reflux that we need to treat. Maybe not either of these.

I will get on the phone tomorrow. It just may do him some good.


mammabear said...

Hey, I am sorry to hear about Jack. I am here for you, my Evan is doing horrible at night, waking very often (then again-he is 8 months). It must be frustrating trying to figure it out. Things will fall into place. Hopefully it's something minor, like nightmares (better than FPIES). But Evan is getting patch tested October 12th at Childrens Boston. Let me know about Jack! Poor little guy!

Stephy said...

Weird because we have also been having some night screaming episodes lately. Not every night, very random but still happening. A few nights ago, she screamed for nearly 2 hours. She is 1 now, and a good sleeper, so this is not normal for her. Keep us posted on the little guy!