Friday, January 11, 2008


Today was a great day. We had a conference with the medical team to talk about the week's findings. The diagnosis is;
Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome
Celiac Disease
Acid Reflux Disease

Next week he will be visiting the speech therapist and the feeding therapists at Children's Denver. They think that he may have some muscle tone syndrome that causes him to reject certain foods.

We are so thrilled to have an answer, it is almost surreal.
Also, we are sleeping in the Ronald McDonald house now. It really is an amazing program, so when you see the donation jars, you really should put your change in. :]

To update on J's health, he has lost 3 pounds in the last week, so they have recomended adding oil to his food. They want him to eat all the nasty greasy foods that he is able to eat. We are at 24 pounds right now. The doctors would like him to be 30 pounds. Looks like we have to go get some fries!

With the success of the day we may have an early departure. I sure hope so.


bluembrownlee said...

I am SO glad to hear you finally have your answer! I look forward to seeing happy, chubby Jack photos. :)

kimhumpherys said...

i'm so glad you have a diagnosis! things should really look up for you guys, especially Jack! congrats!

Hayley said...

woohoo! looks like a major celebration is in order. smother that little boy with kisses from miss hayley!